例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
49228 mod(mdg4)



modifier of mdg4


Drosophila melanogaster


Type Description
Definition modifier of mdg4


Date Results Publications
2019-08-31 11:12:00 Interactions between the Mod(mdg4)-67.2 Protein and Other Mod(mdg4) Isoforms in the Embryonic Cells of Drosophila melanogaster 31367815
2019-07-13 11:11:00 A 73-bp region in the last common intron (LCI) is critical for trans-splicing of 3 pre-mRNAs synthesized from different DNA strands. Conserved sequences in the distal part of the LCI induce polyadenylation-independent transcription termination and are enriched by paused RNAP II. All mod(mdg4) mRNAs are made by joining in trans the 5' splice site in the last common exon with the 3' splice site in an alternative exon. 30102331
2018-06-09 11:20:00 Role of Su(Hw) zinc finger 10 and interaction with CP190 and Mod(mdg4) proteins in recruiting the Su(Hw) complex to chromatin sites in Drosophila 29474480
2017-02-04 11:04:00 Study of the role of Mod(mdg4)-67.2 and Su(Hw) proteins in the interaction between Su(Hw)-dependent insulator complexes and identifying the specific domains of the Su(Hw) protein required for insulation or mutual neutralization of insulators; demonstrated that the Su(Hw) protein zinc finger domain is involved in forming a functional insulator complex and cannot be replaced with the DNA-binding domain of the GAL4 protein 27599504
2016-12-17 10:59:00 Mod(mdg4) directly interacts with mtACP1A and mtACP1B proteins. 27025476


Type IDs
Synonymous BcDNA:GH07769, BcDNA:SD03001, CG15500, CG15501, CG15802, CG18151, CG32491, CG7836, CG7859, CG8076, Dmel\CG32491, Doom, E(var)129, E(var)3-93D, E(var)93D, E-(var)3-93D, E-var(3)1, E-var(3)3, LBC, MOD(MDG4), MOD(MDG4)56.3, MOD2.2, Mod(mdg 4), Mod(mdg 4)67.2, Mod(mdg)4, Mod(mdg4), Mod(mdg4)-67.2, Mod(mdg4)2.2, Mod(mdg4)67.2, Mod2.2, Mod67.2, Mod[mdg4], R5_3R:17176815..17177103, bpd, doom, l(3)03852, l(3)L3101, l(3)j2B7, mdg4, mmd4, mnm, mnn, mod, mod (mdg4), mod(gypsy), mod(mdg)4, mod(mdg-4), mod(mdg4, mod(mdg4)-58.8, mod(mdg4)-67.2, mod(mdg4)67.2, mod-mdg4, mod2.2, modMDG4, mod[mdg4], pf-2
UniprotKB: Q86B87, A0A0B4K7A6, A0A0B4K6B8, C7LAE7
UniParc: UPI000035B1D8, UPI00000075EA, UPI00000075EC, UPI00000848A7, UPI00000075E8, UPI0000083D4E, UPI000035B1D9, UPI000008344D, UPI0000083E09, UPI00000075ED, UPI00000848A5, UPI00015D9AE6, UPI0000083D31, UPI00000075EB, UPI00004C5794, UPI0000083DD1, UPI0000083B7D, UPI00000848A9, UPI000264EC63, UPI0000EAFB76, UPI0000083BDD, UPI000000C09E, UPI00000848A8, UPI000007604D, UPI00000848AA, UPI0000076E5F, UPI00000075E9, UPI0000081196, UPI00000075E7, UPI0000082D3D, UPI000264EC5F, UPI00000848A6, UPI0000083DB8
EMBL: AJ320161, AJ277189, AJ277178, AJ277192, AJ277174, AY061580, BT029698, AJ277194, U30905, AJ277186, AF214650, AJ277188, AJ320162, AJ277175, AJ277182, BT003484, AF214648, AJ320163, AE014297, AJ277176, X75498, AJ277193, U62802, BT003579, AJ277187, AJ277185, AJ277179, U30914, AJ277177, AJ277184, AJ277190, AJ277191, U30913, BT099697, AJ320165, AF214649, AJ277180, AJ277183, X75499, AJ277181, AJ320164
EnsemblGenome: FBgn0002781
KO: dme:Dmel_CG32491
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: AAF55883.2, AAC17459.1, CAB85485.1, AAN13870.1, AAO41583.1, AAN13875.1, CAB85474.1, AAN13874.1, CAB85475.1, ABW08718.1, CAB85483.1, AAF55884.1, CAA53216.1, CAB85482.1, CAC51488.1, AAN13872.1, CAB85481.1, CAB85470.1, ABL75755.1, AAN13869.1, AAO41581.1, ABW08719.1, CAB85486.1, AAN13864.1, CAB85472.1, CAB85489.1, CAB85479.1, CAC51387.1, CAA53215.1, AAN13867.1, AAN13873.1, AAO41582.1, CAB85488.1, AAL29128.1, AAN13863.1, CAC51489.1, CAB85477.1, CAC51487.1, CAB85473.1, CAB85480.1, AAA82989.1, AAN13865.1, AAA82990.1, CAB85471.1, CAC51388.1, CAB85484.1, CAB85469.1, AAO39583.1, AAN13868.1, AAN13871.1, AAN13862.1, AAL33875.1, AAF55888.1, CAB85478.1, CAB85487.1, AAN13866.1, AAL33874.1, AAF55882.2, AAO39487.1, AAA82988.1, ABW08720.1, AAF55885.2, AAL33873.1, CAB85476.1, AFH06546.1, AFH06547.1, ACV53061.1
Gene_ORFName: CG32491, Dmel_CG32491, CG32491, CG32491, Dmel_CG32491
EnsemblGenome_TRS: FBtr0084075, FBtr0084082, FBtr0084068, FBtr0084085, FBtr0084069, FBtr0084079, FBtr0084081, FBtr0084063, FBtr0084071, FBtr0114359, FBtr0084072, FBtr0084074, FBtr0084066, FBtr0084070, FBtr0114360, FBtr0114361, FBtr0084062, FBtr0084083, FBtr0084078, FBtr0084061, FBtr0084065, FBtr0084060, FBtr0084067, FBtr0084064, FBtr0084077, FBtr0084084, FBtr0084080, FBtr0084073, FBtr0307759, FBtr0307760, FBtr0084063
Protein sequencees
EnsemblGenome_PRO: FBpp0112910, FBpp0083466, FBpp0083481, FBpp0083462, FBpp0083473, FBpp0083470, FBpp0083478, FBpp0083480, FBpp0083459, FBpp0083463, FBpp0083474, FBpp0083484, FBpp0083468, FBpp0083460, FBpp0083479, FBpp0083482, FBpp0083465, FBpp0112909, FBpp0083483, FBpp0083469, FBpp0083476, FBpp0083471, FBpp0083472, FBpp0083461, FBpp0083467, FBpp0112908, FBpp0083477, FBpp0083464, FBpp0300270, FBpp0300271, FBpp0083462
RefSeq: NP_732626.1, NP_524936.2, NP_001097856.1, NP_788704.1, NP_788703.1, NP_732624.1, NP_001097857.1, NP_788699.1, NP_001097858.1, NP_788701.1, NP_732630.1, NP_732636.1, NP_001247229.1, NP_732625.1, NP_732627.1, NP_732631.1, NP_788700.1, NP_732634.1, NP_732619.1, NP_788698.1, NP_732620.1, NP_001247228.1, NP_732623.2, NP_788702.1, NP_732633.1, NP_732628.1, NP_732632.1, NP_732622.1, NP_732621.1, NP_732635.1, NP_732629.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_Q86B87, UniRef100_A0A0B4K6B8, UniRef100_A0A0B4K7A6, UniRef100_C7LAE7
UniRef90: UniRef90_Q86B87, UniRef90_A0A0B4K6B8, UniRef90_A0A0B4K7A6, UniRef90_A0A1W4VZ57
UniRef50: UniRef50_Q86B87-4, UniRef50_Q86B87
UniGene: Dm.20407


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


