The pre-T cell receptor (TCR) is expressed early during T cell development and imposes a tight selection for differentiating T cell progenitors. Pre-TCR-expressing cells are selected to survive and differentiate further, whereas pre-TCR(-) cells are "negatively" selected to die. The mechanisms of pre-TCR-mediated survival are poorly understood. Here, we describe the induction of the antiapoptotic gene BCL2A1 (A1) as a potential mechanism regulating inhibition of pre-T cell death. We characterize in detail the signaling pathway involved in A1 induction and show that A1 expression can induce pre-T cell survival by inhibiting activation of caspase-3. Moreover, we show that in vitro "knockdown" of A1 expression can compromise survival even in the presence of a functional pre-TCR. Finally, we suggest that pre-TCR-induced A1 overexpression can contribute to T cell leukemia in both mice and humans.