例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
915445 ECs4588



hypothetical protein


Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai


Type Description
Definition hypothetical protein


Date Results Publications
2010-05-10 11:05:00 Study demonstrated that O157 ler/stx deletion mutant lost the toxigenicity to vero cell and to be safety to mice, and this mutant strain could be used as an attenuated vaccine candidate against EHEC O157. 17460890
2010-01-21 00:00:00 data demonstrate that the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) expression can be turned on by at least two separate pathways, DsrA/RpoS and HNS/GrlA, acting on the transcription of ler 16618552
2010-01-21 00:00:00 Deletion of the gene encoding the global regulator Ler severely reduces the ability of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to colonize the nematode gut 16368958
2010-01-21 00:00:00 hha-mediated repression of ler causes reduced expression of the esp operon. 15489441
2010-01-21 00:00:00 LEE transcriptional regulator Ler was activated by ppGpp and was essential for the enhancement of LEE gene expression. 16824105


Type IDs
UniProtKB-ID: A0A6N0MZ11_ECO57, Q7DB51_ECO57
UniprotKB: A0A6N0MZ11, Q7DB51
UniParc: UPI00016C6B7B
EMBL: CP038357, CP038339, CP038290, CP040107, CP039834, CP038282, SEKQ01000013, CP038287, CP038336, CP038360, CP038309, CP038412, CP038425, CP038313, CP038394, CP038342, CP038380, CP038344, CP038386, CP038366, CP038423, CP038333, CP038402, CP038349, CP038376, CP038302, CP038414, CP038383, CP038363, CP038346, CP038319, CP038292, CP038372, CP038416, CP038300, CP038389, CP038369, CP038374, CP038295, CP038324, CP038408, CP038353, BA000007, CP038321, CP038405, CP038328, CP039837, CP038284, CP038421, CP038351, CP038305, CP038398, CP038428, CP038316, CP038419
EnsemblGenome: Z5140
KO: ecs:ECs4588
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: QKQ88858.1, QKA51086.1, QKA77799.1, QKB62260.1, QKA45584.1, QKA88421.1, QKB30904.1, NEV32123.1, QKA72415.1, QKA07805.1, QJZ43456.1, QKB51649.1, QKA29725.1, QJZ54312.1, QKA13310.1, QKA61724.1, QKB09314.1, QKA02309.1, QJZ86554.1, QKC03736.1, QKB83760.1, QJZ81022.1, QKB67612.1, QJZ59653.1, QKA40419.1, QJZ48848.1, QKB15325.1, QJZ64662.1, QJZ70067.1, QKB94364.1, QJZ32699.1, QKA35076.1, QKB72965.1, QKB56944.1, QJZ91853.1, QKA93801.1, QKB20669.1, QKB89029.1, QKA18897.1, QJZ38060.1, QKQ78137.1, QKB41030.1, QKA99175.1, QJZ75619.1, QKB26051.1, QJZ97059.1, QKA24342.1, QKA56287.1, QKA83084.1, QKB14668.1, QKB46177.1, QKQ83456.1, BAB38011.2, QKB78353.1, QKB36027.1
Gene_ORFName: E3175_00495, E4U73_00490, E3167_00490, E4U90_00490, E3151_00495, E4U64_00495, E3164_00490, E3159_27825, E4U84_00495, E4U08_00495, E4U80_00490, E4U68_00495, E3172_00490, ECs_4588, E3173_00490, E3170_00490, E4U77_00490, E3154_00490, E3150_00490, E3158_00495, E4U65_00495, EVY27_16470, E3168_00490, E4U66_00495, FDZ86_00490, E3169_00490, E3156_00495, E3165_00510, E4U78_00495, E4U86_00490, E4U76_00495, E4U67_00490, E4U74_00490, E3160_27015, E4U72_00490, E4U62_00490, E3171_00495, E4U87_00495, E4T53_00490, E3163_00490, E3155_00495, E4U63_00490, E3166_00490, E4U70_00495, E4U81_00490, E3153_00495, E4U89_00495, E4U79_00495, E3161_00490, E3152_00490, E3157_00495, E4U69_00490, E3162_00490, FCV42_00485, E3149_22620
Protein sequencees
RefSeq: NP_312615.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_O85645
UniRef90: UniRef90_A0A0L6ZQZ3
UniRef50: UniRef50_A0A3I8FVC3


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


