例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
55764 IFT122



intraflagellar transport 122


Homo sapiens


Type Description
Definition intraflagellar transport 122


Date Results Publications
2019-07-13 10:21:00 This study demonstrated that the mutation in SPG 7 gene caused autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraparesis. 29057857
2019-04-06 10:24:00 The C11ORF74, interacts with the IFT-A complex via the IFT122 subunit and is accumulated at the distal tip in the absence of an IFT-A subunit IFT139, suggesting that at least a fraction of C11ORF74 molecules can be transported towards the ciliary tip by associating with the IFT-A complex, although its majority might be out of cilia at steady state. 30476139
2019-03-09 11:36:00 IFT122 mutations associated with cranioectodermal dysplasia 1 cause defects in ciliary protein trafficking, but not ciliogenesis when expressed in cells lacking endogenous IFT122 (IFT122 KO). 29220510
2017-11-26 01:24:00 All the nine probands with syndromic craniosynostosis were found to carry the possibly causative variants, among which three variants including two missense mutations in IFT122 gene, in SMC1A gene and a frameshift mutation in TWIST1 gene have never been reported in patients before. 29037998
2017-05-13 19:31:00 Using a panel of skeletal dysplasias genes, including 11 related to SRP, we identified biallelic mutations in IFT122 in a fetus with a typical phenotype of SRP-IV, finally confirmed that this phenotype is a ciliopathy and adding to the list of ciliopathies with major skeletal involvement. 28370949


Type IDs
Synonymous CED, CED1, SPG, WDR10, WDR10p, WDR140
UniprotKB: Q9HBG6, B4DST2, B3KUD1
UniParc: UPI00000732EA, UPI000006E33C, UPI0004EFFC71, UPI00017A6CA7, UPI00003E5FCB, UPI0004EFFC73, UPI00017A7C6D, UPI0000141061, UPI0002064E79, UPI0001D3BC8E, UPI0000EE2210, UPI0000141042
EMBL: AF302154, BC028353, AK124140, AK299903, AK096891, AF244931, BC004238, AK223095, AK298526, AK001759, AF244930, AC080007, AK293852, BC003045, AL449212, CH471052
Ensembl: ENSG00000163913
KO: hsa:55764
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: BAG60729.1, AAH28353.1, AAG15428.1, AAG15427.1, EAW79247.1, AAG13415.1, EAW79246.1, AAH03045.2, BAG54015.1, AAH04238.1, BAG57250.1, EAW79249.1, BAA91888.1, BAD96815.1, EAW79250.1, BAG61744.1, BAG53393.1
Ensembl_TRS: ENST00000349441, ENST00000507564, ENST00000296266, ENST00000431818, ENST00000440957, ENST00000347300, ENST00000504021, ENST00000348417
Protein sequencees
Ensembl_PRO: ENSP00000324165, ENSP00000323973, ENSP00000422179, ENSP00000324005, ENSP00000401569, ENSP00000410946, ENSP00000296266, ENSP00000425536
RefSeq: NP_001267470.1, XP_006713755.1, NP_443715.1, XP_006713752.1, NP_443716.1, XP_016862311.1, XP_006713754.1, XP_016862310.1, XP_016862312.1, XP_005247666.1, XP_016862327.1, XP_016862306.1, XP_016862308.1, XP_016862318.1, NP_443711.2, XP_016862317.1, XP_024309407.1, XP_016862316.1, NP_001267475.1, XP_016862307.1, XP_016862313.1, XP_011511274.1, XP_016862315.1, XP_006713758.1, XP_016862314.1, NP_060732.2, XP_016862321.1, XP_016862319.1, XP_016862309.1, XP_016862326.1, XP_016862322.1, XP_016862320.1, NP_001267474.1, XP_016862323.1, XP_016862325.1, XP_016862324.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_Q9HBG6, UniRef100_B4DST2, UniRef100_B3KUD1
UniRef90: UniRef90_Q9HBG6, UniRef90_B3KT43, UniRef90_B4DST2
UniRef50: UniRef50_Q9HBG6, UniRef50_B3KT43, UniRef50_Q9HBG6-6
UniGene: Hs.655284
CCDS: CCDS63772.1, CCDS3059.1, CCDS63773.1, CCDS3062.1, CCDS3060.1, CCDS63770.1, CCDS3061.1


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


