Type | Description |
Definition | ADP ribosylation factor 6 |
Date | Results | Publications |
2019-02-09 11:25:00 | The findings highlight a previously unknown link between ARF6 activation, cMet receptor internalization, and mitotic spindle orientation during epithelial glandular morphogenesis. | 29903910 |
2018-06-09 12:14:00 | Rab14 knockdown results in increased Cdc42 activity mediated through Arf6. | 27901125 |
2013-09-21 13:13:00 | ARF6 activation during canonical Wnt signaling promotes the intracellular accumulation of beta-catenin via a mechanism that involves the endocytosis of growth factor receptors and robust activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase in epithelia. | 23716594 |
2013-05-25 10:31:00 | These studies demonstrate the importance of ARF6 as a critical determinant of glandular orientation and the matrix environment in dictating structural organization of epithelial cysts | 23051733 |
2011-01-01 11:14:00 | These findings identify a previously unrecognized link between ARF6-regulated receptor internalization and events that drive dramatic alterations in cyst morphogenesis. | 20462959 |
Type | IDs |
Gene | |
Nucleutide sequences | |
Protein sequencees |
Others |
{{proteinIndex+1}} | mRNA | Protein | UniprotKB | Description | ||||
Refseq |
Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}} |
Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}} |
{{uniprot}} , |
Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}} Status: {{protein.status}} |
Location | {{protein.contigId}} ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} , {{protein.orientation}} ) | |||||||
Conserved domain | Region: {{conservedDomain.region == '' || conservedDomain.region == null ? "-": conservedDomain.region}} GFID: {{conservedDomain.gfid == '' || conservedDomain.gfid == null ? "-": conservedDomain.gfid}} Family: {{conservedDomain.family == '' || conservedDomain.family == null ? "-": conservedDomain.family}} CDD: {{conservedDomain.cdd}} - |
{{conservedDomain.comments == '' || conservedDomain.comments == null ? "-" : conservedDomain.comments }} |
Region: {{conservedDomain.region == '' || conservedDomain.region == null ? "-": conservedDomain.region}} GFID: {{conservedDomain.gfid == '' || conservedDomain.gfid == null ? "-": conservedDomain.gfid}} Family: {{conservedDomain.family == '' || conservedDomain.family == null ? "-": conservedDomain.family}} CDD: {{conservedDomain.cdd}} - |
{{conservedDomain.comments == '' || conservedDomain.comments == null ? "-" : conservedDomain.comments }} |
排名 | 科研单位 | 文献 |
{{affIndex+1}} |
{{aff.value}} |
{{aff.size}} |
排名 | 研究人员 | 文献 |
{{authorIndex+1}} |
{{author.value}} |
{{author.size}} |