Type | Description |
Definition | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase |
Date | Results | Publications |
2019-12-28 12:37:00 | Dietary CLA supplementation decreased the accumulation of lipids including abdominal fat and cholesterol in the liver and egg of laying hens, probably by upregulating hepatic LDLR expression and downregulating hepatic HMGR and CYP7A1 expression. | 30951597 |
2015-01-03 10:58:00 | It was concluded that specific variants of the HMGCR gene are associated with chicken egg production, and haplotypes with higher and lower plasma VLDL concentrations showed lower egg production than other haplotypes. | 25403074 |
2013-10-19 11:07:00 | HMGCR polymorphisms in chickens have significant effects on growth, carcass, meat quality, and lipid concentration. | 23212401 |
2013-06-08 10:35:00 | Data suggest that liver HMGCR can be induced by dietary factors (here, supplementation with bacteriocin albusin B from Ruminococcus albus). | 22729694 |
2012-05-12 10:22:00 | Stress conditions had a significant effect on the expression of HMGCR and HSP90alpha in lymphocytes. Telomere length, especially telomere-shortening rates, and expression levels of these two genes can be used as sensitive physiological stress markers. | 22399721 |
Type | IDs |
Synonymous | HMGR |
Gene | |
Nucleutide sequences | |
Protein sequencees |
Others |
{{proteinIndex+1}} | mRNA | Protein | UniprotKB | Description | ||||
Refseq |
Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}} |
Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}} |
{{uniprot}} , |
Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}} Status: {{protein.status}} |
Location | {{protein.contigId}} ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} , {{protein.orientation}} ) | |||||||
Conserved domain | Region: {{conservedDomain.region == '' || conservedDomain.region == null ? "-": conservedDomain.region}} GFID: {{conservedDomain.gfid == '' || conservedDomain.gfid == null ? "-": conservedDomain.gfid}} Family: {{conservedDomain.family == '' || conservedDomain.family == null ? "-": conservedDomain.family}} CDD: {{conservedDomain.cdd}} - |
{{conservedDomain.comments == '' || conservedDomain.comments == null ? "-" : conservedDomain.comments }} |
Region: {{conservedDomain.region == '' || conservedDomain.region == null ? "-": conservedDomain.region}} GFID: {{conservedDomain.gfid == '' || conservedDomain.gfid == null ? "-": conservedDomain.gfid}} Family: {{conservedDomain.family == '' || conservedDomain.family == null ? "-": conservedDomain.family}} CDD: {{conservedDomain.cdd}} - |
{{conservedDomain.comments == '' || conservedDomain.comments == null ? "-" : conservedDomain.comments }} |
排名 | 科研单位 | 文献 |
{{affIndex+1}} |
{{aff.value}} |
{{aff.size}} |
排名 | 研究人员 | 文献 |
{{authorIndex+1}} |
{{author.value}} |
{{author.size}} |