例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
3707643 N1L



temporal expression: early/late


Vaccinia virus


Type Description
Definition temporal expression: early/late


Date Results Publications
2015-07-04 16:17:00 it provides a rationale for deleting N1 from VACV vectors to enhance CD8(+) T-cell immunogenicity, while simultaneously reducing virulence to improve vaccine safety. 25382035
2014-11-22 10:55:00 N1 is covalently ubiquitylated, and heterodimers of ubiquitylated and non-ubiquitylated N1 monomers were identified, suggesting that ubiquitylation does not inhibit N1 dimerization. 24914067
2012-04-07 10:27:00 These data show that N1 inhibits pro-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic signalling using independent surfaces of the protein. 22194685
2012-02-18 10:35:00 Viral N1 and F1 do not act as direct cellular Bax inhibitors to prevent Bax-induced cell death. 22013032
2010-01-21 00:00:00 Evaluation of the amino acid sequence and predicted secondary structure evidence of putative dimerization and adenine binding sites and a possible kinase-related function for this protein. 16387679


Type IDs
UniProtKB-ID: Q49PX0_9POXV
UniprotKB: Q49PX0
UniParc: UPI00000001FD
EMBL: AY678277, JN654986, KC207811, JN654979, KT013210, JX489135, EF488967, JN654985, JN654976, JN654981, MN369532, AF455804, KT184691, KM044310, MN974380, DQ121394, KC201194, KM044309, DQ377945, JN654978, KT184690, DQ439815, KX061501, KJ125439, MK314711, JN654982, KJ125438, JX489137, KC207810, AY678275, AF455805, JN654983, AF451287, JX489139, MN974381, JX489138, AY313847, AY313848, JX489136, JN654977, MG663594, KP233807, MT227314, JN654980, AF455803, JN654984, AF455806, KF179385
KO: vg:3707643
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: QCI57243.1, AEY72597.1, AAL57607.1, AGB75748.1, AGJ91179.1, AGJ91994.1, AIX99351.1, QIB98290.1, ALF36183.1, AIX99146.1, AGJ91452.1, ABD52475.1, AAR17871.1, AEY74972.1, AUO38320.1, QIB98525.1, AEY74262.1, AIX98945.1, AAL57606.1, AGK06709.1, AAL57608.1, QKE61165.1, AEY74491.1, ABD98499.1, AAQ93123.1, AGK06496.1, AGJ91723.1, AGJ92269.1, AIX98720.1, AAW23421.1, AHB35666.1, QKE59838.1, ABP97444.1, AEY73784.1, AEY73312.1, ALF05270.1, AAW23703.1, ABD57558.1, AEY73553.1, AND73861.1, AEY72835.1, AIZ72776.1, AAL48257.1, AAL57605.1, AEY73072.1, AEY74022.1, AEY74731.1, ALF05019.1
Gene_ORFName: VAC_TP5_032, VAC_TKT4_017, VAC_DPP17_037, VACV_TT11_033, VAC_DPP20_037, VACV_026, VAC_DPP11_037, synVACV_037, VAC_DPP9_037, VACV-DUKE-037, VAC_TP3_032, VACV_TT8_033, VACV_TT9_033, VACV_CTGV_CM01_026, VACli_037, VACCL3_037, VAC_TKT3_017, VAC_DPP19_037, VAC_DPP13_037, VACAC2_037, mO028L, VAC_DPP15_037, VAC_DPP10_037, VAC_DPP21_037, VAC_DPP25_037, VACV_IOC_B141_048, 44/47.1_rMVA_020, m8028L, VAC_DPP16_037, VAC_IHDW1_030, 51.1rMVA_034, VAC_DPP12_037, VACV_TT10_033, VACV_IOC_B388_048, List025, VACV_TT12_033
Protein sequencees
RefSeq: YP_232910.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_P21054
UniRef90: UniRef90_P17361
UniRef50: UniRef50_P17361


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


