例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
3283883 COX3



cytochrome c oxidase subunit III


Bos taurus


Type Description
Definition cytochrome c oxidase subunit III


Date Results Publications
2020-04-11 12:32:00 structural analysis of the formation of monomeric CcO, dimeric CcO, and supercomplex, as well as their role in regulation of CcO activity 31533957
2019-08-10 10:46:00 Atomistic simulations performed in the absence of tightly bound cardiolipin molecules strongly perturb the structural integrity of subunits III and VIIa, thereby highlighting an indispensable nature of lipid-protein interactions in enzyme function 30414931
2011-11-05 10:29:00 Studies indicate that heart cytochrome c oxidase subunits I, II and III are encoded by the mitochondrial genome. 21320464
2010-01-21 00:00:00 Results suggest that conserved hydrophilic domains of COX sIII (encoded by COX3) are conformationally linked to the electron transfer function of the enzyme in subunits I and II and that sIII may serve as a regulatory subunit for COX electron transfer. 12859984


Type IDs
UniprotKB: Q6QTG5, A0A068L9G5
UniParc: UPI000023FC36
EMBL: JN817332, JN817337, EU177859, EU177816, EU177858, EU177857, JN817340, AY676873, EU177855, EU177856, DQ124394, KP637147, KF163084, KT343748, KT184467, JN817314, JN817310, KF163069, JN817343, KF163089, KT184453, KT184460, EU177854, EU177846, AY676855, KJ789953, KJ709682, JN817325, GU947018, KF163088, KC153976, DQ124373, AY676868, JN817339, DQ124411, EU177850, KF163090, GU947019, KT184455, KF163077, KF163081, AY676862, AY676856, EU177828, EU177831, DQ124388, KF163085, AY526085, KC153973, GU947020, KF163071, EU177844, JN817333, KF163087, EU177843, EU177848, AY676860, KC153975, JN817308, KF163083, KT184468, KC153977, FJ971080, DQ124393, AY676864, KF163078, KT343749, KF163064, KF163086, EU177825, JN817320, KT184463, DQ124380, KF163063, JN817336, KF163075, KT184471, EU177861, KT184462, KF163062, DQ124401, JN817324, EU177834, DQ124396, EU177869, DQ124410, EU177835, DQ124383, KT184457, JN817326, EU177823, KT184469, GU947016, EU177820, EU177818, EU177870, EU177837, JN817335, AY676870, DQ124387, EU177830, KF163067, KF163065, JN817306, JN817345, EU177833, KT184465, KF163074, DQ124386, GQ129208, GU947021, EU177827, EU177832, JN817327, EU177821, KT184451, HQ025805, KF163073, KJ709686, KT184458, KC153972, GU947011, JN817329, DQ124413, DQ124382, DQ124395, JN817301, DQ124375, GU947010, EU177866, KJ709681, KF163091, DQ124412, EU177853, JN817300, JN817316, KT184459, EU177815, DQ124391, AY676859, DQ124398, JN817331, GQ129207, EU177841, KT184454, JN817313, GU947009, EU177865, KJ709683, DQ124418, KF163094, EU177819, DQ124405, AY676869, JN817346, GU947007, EU177817, DQ124378, AY676866, DQ124389, JN817318, DQ124381, DQ124372, KC153974, EU177824, DQ124404, KJ709684, KT184466, KF163072, AY676861, JN817311, KF163080, KF163066, EU177836, JN817321, JN817342, GU947017, KJ709685, EU177838, DQ124406, EU177851, JN817350, JN817312, GU947013, AY676867, DQ124414, DQ124385, JN817344, JN817338, EU177826, JQ967333, JN817334, DQ124400, AY676863, DQ124377, JN817315, DQ124392, DQ124408, DQ124409, KT184464, EU177867, EU177840, KF163070, AY676872, EU177847, JN817341, KT184470, KF163061, KF163068, KF163079, JN817319, JN817328, EU177842, HM045018, FJ971083, EU177864, AY676865, KT184456, AY676857, DQ124402, KT184472, JN817322, EU177822, EU177839, EU177849, EU177829, EU177852, JN817309, DQ124390, KF163076, DQ124416, DQ124397, EU177845, DQ124399, FJ971081, FJ971082, JN817317, KT184452, DQ124379, DQ124417, AY676871, JN817351, JN817349, DQ124374, FJ971087
Ensembl: ENSBTAG00000043560
KO: bta:3283883
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: ABV70653.1, AAZ17085.1, AER53901.1, AAZ16565.1, ADF49372.1, AGU00515.1, AAZ16929.1, AAV88181.1, ADF29603.1, AAZ16890.1, AGU00437.1, AAV88233.1, AGU00788.1, ALM02924.1, AAZ17020.1, AAV88129.1, ALM02859.1, AAV88168.1, AAZ16760.1, AGB56917.1, AAZ16682.1, AAV88350.1, AER54018.1, AGU00619.1, ALM02690.1, AAZ16877.1, AER54096.1, AER54031.1, ABV70445.1, AGU00593.1, AER54278.1, AER54057.1, AAZ16838.1, AER54148.1, ABV70367.1, ACQ73794.1, ABV70224.1, AGU00645.1, AAZ16981.1, ACR19426.1, AGU00801.1, AGU00463.1, AER54343.1, AER53888.1, ALM02755.1, AAZ16656.1, ABV70263.1, ABV70770.1, AIE42824.1, AAZ16578.1, AAZ16916.1, AAZ16643.1, ABV70575.1, ADF49333.1, AGU00684.1, AER53836.1, AAZ16630.1, AAZ17033.1, AAZ16903.1, ABV70757.1, AAV88311.1, ABV70809.1, AER54174.1, AGB56969.1, AAV88142.1, ABV70926.1, AER53966.1, AER53875.1, AER54265.1, AER53849.1, ABV70861.1, ALM02716.1, AER53693.1, ALM02872.1, AAZ16851.1, AAZ16604.1, ABV70887.1, AAZ16968.1, AER54109.1, AGU00632.1, ABV70874.1, ACQ73755.1, AAZ17046.1, AIE42811.1, ABV70523.1, AER54083.1, ABV70341.1, ABV70289.1, AER54005.1, AER53862.1, ALM02703.1, AAV88285.1, AER53992.1, ACQ73768.1, ABV70237.1, AIE42785.1, ADF49502.1, AER53758.1, ABV70432.1, AAZ16539.1, ABV70510.1, AER53953.1, AER54161.1, ALM02937.1, AER54330.1, AGU00710.1, AFK75890.1, AER54252.1, AER54135.1, ALM02833.1, AGB56943.1, AGU00450.1, AER53940.1, ABV70705.1, AAV88272.1, ADF49411.1, AAZ16552.1, AER53797.1, ABV70315.1, AGU00814.1, ABV70328.1, ALM02885.1, AER54122.1, ADF49385.1, AGB56904.1, AMR55806.1, AMR55819.1, ALM02781.1, ABV70692.1, ALM02768.1, ABV70588.1, AAZ17072.1, ADF49489.1, AGU00736.1, AGU00554.1, AIL54380.1, AGU00723.1, ALM02846.1, ALM02963.1, AER53823.1, ACR19413.1, ABV70393.1, ABV70731.1, AIE42772.1, AAV88194.1, AAZ16825.1, AAV88220.1, ABV70562.1, AGU00775.1, AKK32010.1, AER54226.1, AGU00528.1, ABV70484.1, AGB56956.1, ABV70354.1, AAV88246.1, AAV88298.1, AGU00424.1, ABV70380.1, ABV70471.1, AGU00502.1, AAZ17007.1, ABV70718.1, AER54044.1, AAZ16786.1, AER54200.1, ADF49476.1, AGU00541.1, ALM02742.1, ABV70549.1, AAZ17059.1, AAZ16773.1, AER53914.1, AER53927.1, ALM02898.1, AGB56930.1, AAZ16812.1, ABV70783.1, AIE42798.1, ABV70419.1, AAZ17124.1, ABV70614.1, AGU00567.1, AGU00489.1, ABV70666.1, AER54187.1, ABV70250.1, AAZ17111.1, ABV70211.1, ALM02911.1, AAZ16747.1, AAV88324.1, ABV70406.1, AGU00671.1, ALM02807.1, AER53784.1, AER54317.1, AAZ16708.1, AGU00580.1, AER53810.1, ABV70497.1, ALM02950.1, AGU00749.1, AAV88116.1, ALM02794.1, ABV70627.1, AAV88207.1, AGU00606.1, ABV70458.1, AIE42837.1, ADF49463.1, ABV70536.1, AER54213.1, AGU00762.1, ABV70601.1, ACQ73846.1, ABV70848.1, ABV70744.1, AAZ16669.1, AAV88337.1, AAZ17137.1, AAZ16799.1, ADM35741.1, ABV70679.1, ADF49515.1, ADF49359.1, AAZ16734.1, ALM02729.1, AAZ16864.1, ADF49450.1, ABV70913.1, AGU00853.1, AGU00476.1, ABV70302.1, AER54239.1, AAZ16955.1, ABV70276.1, AER53680.1, ACQ73781.1, AAZ16617.1, AAV88259.1, AAZ16721.1, ABV70640.1, AGU00658.1, AAS18248.1
Ensembl_TRS: ENSBTAT00000060566
Protein sequencees
Ensembl_PRO: ENSBTAP00000053157
RefSeq: YP_209211.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_P00415
UniRef90: UniRef90_P00415
UniRef50: UniRef50_P00415


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


