例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
2703417 UL49



tegument protein VP22


Human herpesvirus 1


Type Description
Definition tegument protein VP22


Date Results Publications
2018-08-18 11:55:00 herpes simplex virus 1 tegument protein VP22 inhibits AIM2-dependent inflammasome activation. VP22 interacts with AIM2 and prevents its oligomerization, an initial step in AIM2 inflammasome activation. 29447697
2018-07-28 11:19:00 findings indicate that HSV-1 VP22 acts as an antagonist of IFN signaling to persistently evade host innate antiviral responses. 29793952
2018-01-06 10:11:00 These findings suggest that VP22 is required (but not sufficient) for the inhibition of CD1d-mediated antigen presentation in herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. 27327902
2015-08-22 10:30:00 The authors have determined the crystal structure of the conserved core domain of VP22, which reveals an elongated dimer with several potential protein-protein interaction regions and a peptide-binding site. 26068188
2013-01-12 11:15:00 Deletion of the herpes simplex virus 1 UL49 gene results in mRNA and protein translation defects that are complemented by secondary mutations in UL41 22951838


Type IDs
UniProtKB-ID: VP22_HHV11, D3YPK7_HHV1
UniprotKB: P10233, D3YPK7
UniParc: UPI000002E328
EMBL: MG999871, LT594105, MN159379, MH813981, MG999850, MG999864, MN159383, LT594457, KR011311, MG999888, MH160372, MH160359, MG999879, JQ730035, MG999885, MG999896, MN159381, KX265046, LT594111, LT594192, KR011294, MK952185, KX946970, MG999861, MH813982, MG999841, MG999851, KM222726, KT425109, KX791825, KX265027, KX265038, MG999849, LT594108, MH160373, KR011279, KR011288, KR011308, FJ593289, MN136524, KX265041, MH813984, MH813986, MN159382, MH813983, KX791898, MG999855, MK952183, MG999865, MH999844, KX265043, MH813989, MG999898, MN159378, MG999886, KX791791, MN159380, MH925774, MG999839, KX265042, MH160387, GU734772, MG999890, X14112, JN555585, KR011307, MH813990, MG999868, MH813991, KX265032, MH813992, KT425107, MH999850, MG999889, KX265025, KX265028, KR011304, KR011283, MG999895, MH813987, MH999843, MH999847, KX265035, JN420341, JX142173, KR011295, MG999882, KM222720, KR011301, KX265045, KX791986, KX265029, KR011309, MG999866, KR011285, KR011280, KR011305, MH813988, MH813994, LT594106, KR011312, KX265037, KX265040, MH813985, MH160358, KR011306, MG999878, MH160365, KX265044, MH813993, MH160384, KR011299, KR011292, HM585510, MK952184, HM585502, KR011278, MG999854, DQ889502, MH160366, MG999853, KX265031, MN159377, MN159376, KR011310, KX265033, KR011289, KX265024, KR052507
KO: vg:2703417
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: ACM62272.1, CAA32299.1, ABI63510.1, QBH87012.1, AWW12160.1, AKG60750.1, ANN85401.1, AFP86413.1, QAU09774.1, QEU45181.1, AOY34050.1, AOY34291.1, ANN85784.1, SBS69418.1, ANN85631.1, AJE60350.1, ANN85708.1, AKH80449.1, AWW13326.1, AWW09061.1, AWW13152.1, AKG61907.1, QEU45105.1, AWW09399.1, AER37986.1, ALM22766.1, AWO70498.1, AWW12415.1, ANN84790.1, AWW09312.1, AKG61469.1, AKG61397.1, AWW12495.1, ANN85554.1, QEU44954.1, ANN84177.1, ADD60086.1, ANN85172.1, ANN84100.1, AKG61761.1, ANN84637.1, QEU45333.1, QEU45258.1, QFQ61420.1, QEU45029.1, AWW11531.1, QBH87283.1, SBS69635.1, ANN84713.1, AWO71790.1, AFK50396.1, AWW10331.1, AWO69752.1, AWW10422.1, QFQ61269.1, AOY36668.1, AKG60321.1, AOY34203.1, AKG59884.1, AWW12242.1, AWW10240.1, AWW13053.1, ANN85477.1, AWW08887.1, ADM22832.1, AWW07906.1, QFQ61343.1, AKG59668.1, AWW08980.1, QBH86838.1, AOY34127.1, AWO69073.1, QEU45409.1, AKG59521.1, AKG61616.1, AWO71518.1, AWW12589.1, AKG60248.1, AWO69852.1, AWW09977.1, QBH87461.1, AWW09221.1, QBH86584.1, ANN84408.1, QEU45486.1, QAU10004.1, AKG60032.1, SBT69379.1, AWW11902.1, ANN85096.1, QBH87199.1, AKG61542.1, QBH87101.1, AWW10602.1, ANN85324.1, AKG61833.1, QBH86324.1, AKG61979.1, QAU09697.1, AEQ77080.1, ALM22618.1, QAU10231.1, QBH86919.1, QBH87365.1, SBS69411.1, AWW11623.1, AKG61037.1, QBH86758.1, QBH86672.1, AIR95844.1, SBS69597.1, QBH87620.1, AWW10854.1, QBH86405.1, ANN84331.1, AKG60533.1, ANN84943.1, AWO69170.1, AWO70405.1, AKG61180.1, SBS69795.1, ADM23440.1, ANN84483.1, QBH86497.1, AKG59596.1, AKG61689.1, AKG60679.1, AWW08144.1, QDY92096.1
Gene_ORFName: UL49, hmpv214_0050, hmpv205_0050, hmpv208_0050, HHV1gp072, hmpv206_0050
Protein sequencees
RefSeq: YP_009137124.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_P10233
UniRef90: UniRef90_P10233
UniRef50: UniRef50_P10233


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


