例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
2703401 US3



envelope glycoprotein G;serine/threonine protein kinase US3


Human herpesvirus 1


Type Description
Definition envelope glycoprotein G;serine/threonine protein kinase US3


Date Results Publications
2020-06-06 11:00:00 The data indicate that herpes simplex virus 1 Us3 kinase is involved in facilitation of nuclear pore impairment and, concomitantly, in capsid release through impaired nuclear envelope. 31249678
2019-08-31 11:13:00 Results found that synergy among multiple viral functions, including Us3 and UL46, likely plays critical roles, enabling HSV-1 to complete the reproductive growth cycle during episodes of physiological stress, like AA and/or nutrient insufficiency, which if unchecked would restrict mTORC1 activation, virus protein synthesis, and virus replication. 30282708
2018-11-24 10:12:00 HSV-1 Us3 is a multifunctional protein that plays various roles in the viral life cycle by phosphorylating a number of viral and cellular substrates. [review] 29896662
2017-08-12 10:55:00 It regulates the pathogenicity of herpes simplex virus type-1 28484184
2017-07-22 10:25:00 This study identifies the alphaherpesvirus-specific Us3 kinase as an mTORC1 activator that subverts the host cell energy-sensing program to support viral productive growth irrespective of physiological stress. 28468873


Type IDs
UniProtKB-ID: US03_HHV11, GG_HHV11, G8HBH8_HHV1, A0A1C3J765_HHV1, B9VQJ7_HHV11
UniprotKB: P04413, P06484, G8HBH8, A0A1C3J765, B9VQJ7
UniParc: UPI000012E02E, UPI000000087C
EMBL: AY240794, KU310659, AY240790, AF117122, MN159376, MN159377, MH160366, DQ889502, MH160380, MH160370, JX142173, MG999894, LT594112, MN159382, FJ593289, L00036, AY240789, X14112, JN555585, MH160387, MN159380, MN159378, AY240801, AY240823, MN159381, MG999885, LT594457, AY240811, AY240820, MN159383, X02138, MN159379, LT594105, AY240791, KX946970
KO: vg:2703404, vg:2703401
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: CAA32280.1, AAA96685.1, CAA26057.1, AAP39681.1, AAP39678.1, ABI63522.1, AAP39690.1, ACM62293.1, AAD33228.1, AAP39675.1, CAA32281.1, AAP39768.1, AAP39777.1, AAA96684.1, AAP39741.1, CAA26058.1, AAP39711.1, QEU45347.1, AWW12980.1, AWO70241.1, QEU45043.1, AEQ77095.1, SBS69540.1, AWO69872.1, AWO71810.1, QEU45424.1, AWO71167.1, QEU45119.1, QEU45272.1, AOY36683.1, SBS69569.1, SBT69393.1, QEU44969.1, QEU45196.1, QEU45501.1, AOY36682.1, QEU45500.1, AWW12979.1, QEU45118.1, AFP86427.1, QEU45423.1, AMB65806.1, QEU45346.1, QEU45042.1, SBS69562.1, SBS69532.1, QEU45271.1, AWW12179.1, QEU45195.1, AEQ77094.1, QEU44968.1, ACM62292.1
Gene_ORFName: US4, HHV1gp089
Protein sequencees
RefSeq: YP_009137138.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_P06484, UniRef100_P04413
UniRef90: UniRef90_P06484, UniRef90_P04413
UniRef50: UniRef50_P04413, UniRef50_P06484


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


