例如:"NBL1", "4681", "drought"
15481 Hspa8



heat shock protein 8


Mus musculus


Type Description
Definition heat shock protein 8


Date Results Publications
2021-04-13 10:12:00 Feedback regulation of heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) activity by Hsp70-mediated trimer unzipping and dissociation from DNA. 32490574
2020-05-23 11:49:00 intercellular antigen transfer of DBY is tightly regulated via binding to HSC70 and that this mechanism influences recognition and rejection of MHC-II-negative tumors in vivo. 31205025
2018-05-26 11:44:00 Post-transcriptional inhibition of expression leads to synaptic vesicle cycling defects in multiple models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 28978466
2017-09-16 11:44:00 Synapsin is part of a multiprotein complex enriched in chaperones/cochaperones including Hsc70. Hsc70 chaperone activity is required for the cytosolic slow axonal transport of synapsin. 28559423
2017-09-09 14:05:00 Hsc70 interacts with FILIP to mediate its effects on non-muscle myosin IIb and to regulate spine morphology 28234934


Type IDs
Synonymous 2410008N15Rik, Hsc70, Hsc71, Hsc73, Hsp73, Hspa10
UniprotKB: P63017
UniParc: UPI00000018A6
EMBL: AK151127, AK150701, AK168492, AK035286, AK151775, AK166808, AK166846, AK166861, AK167910, AK166913, AK150474, AK075935, AK150498, AK167218, AK151865, AK152803, AK169179, AK166721, AK151808, AK151516, AK167134, AK167845, AK167043, AK151948, AK168519, AK167163, AK153834, AK151892, AK169293, AK147864, BC085486, AK166767, U27129, AK146708, BC006722, AK164000, AK169093, AK151537, AK166873, AK166776, AK168542, AK166643, BC106193, AK168711, AK167229, AK167122, BC089322, AK168934, AK169236, AK152697, AK150958, AK152598, X54403, M19141, BC089457, AK166908, AK159479, AK153032, X54401, AK146985, AK151065, AK152703, AK166910, U73744, AK168776, AK151997, X54402, AK167121, AK151435, AK168750, BC066191, AK166933, AK166830, AK151287, AK145579, AK168887
Ensembl: ENSMUSG00000015656
KO: mmu:15481
Nucleutide sequences
EMBL-CDS: BAE41004.1, CAA38269.1, BAE31427.1, BAE40704.1, AAB18391.1, BAE30822.1, BAE39211.1, BAE31346.1, BAE30398.1, BAE39269.1, BAE30272.1, BAE31432.1, BAE39344.1, BAE40379.1, BAE39865.1, BAE39065.1, BAE29990.1, BAE40876.1, BAE29780.1, BAE39109.1, AAA37869.1, AAH85486.1, BAE28187.1, BAE40419.1, BAE39076.1, BAE39917.1, BAE26523.1, BAE39304.1, BAE37581.1, BAE39280.1, BAE31508.1, BAE30135.1, AAH06722.1, BAE30465.1, BAE39113.1, CAA38268.1, BAE27374.1, BAE40590.1, BAE30776.1, BAE40398.1, BAE40957.1, BAE40612.1, BAE40745.1, BAE30861.1, BAE39084.1, BAE30484.1, BAE38912.1, AAC52836.1, BAC36065.1, BAE29612.1, BAE39111.1, BAE40553.1, AAI06194.1, BAE30681.1, BAE30753.1, BAE32204.1, BAE39053.1, BAE41049.1, BAE39127.1, AAH66191.1, BAE39036.1, AAH89322.1, BAE31664.1, BAE29591.1, BAE39005.1, BAE38970.1, BAE30707.1, BAE39270.1, BAE30081.1, BAE39353.1, BAC29016.1, BAE27588.1, CAA38267.1, BAE39012.1, BAE35116.1, AAH89457.1
Ensembl_TRS: ENSMUST00000015800
Protein sequencees
Ensembl_PRO: ENSMUSP00000015800
RefSeq: NP_112442.2, NP_001351409.1
UniRef100: UniRef100_P63017
UniRef90: UniRef90_P63017
UniRef50: UniRef50_P63017
UniGene: Mm.290774, Mm.336743, Mm.351377, Mm.412745, Mm.485345
CCDS: CCDS23083.1


mRNA Protein UniprotKB Description
Refseq {{protein.nucleotideVersion}}

Ensembl: {{protein.nucleotideEnsembl}}


Ensembl: {{protein.proteinEnsembl}}

Definition: {{{protein.definition}}}

Transcript Veriant:{{protein.transcriptVeriant}}

Status: {{protein.status}}

Location ( {{protein.positionStart}}..{{protein.positionEnd}} )



排名 科研单位 文献




排名 研究人员 文献


