We have cloned a protein from bovine brain, brain-derived voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (BR1-VDAC), that is identical to a recently sequenced plasmalemmal-bound porin from human lymphocytes. mRNA hybridization indicates that BR1-VDAC is widely distributed throughout nervous and nonnervous tissues. In situ localization substantiated that the BR1-VDAC is associated with the plasmalemma of astrocytes. A monoclonal antibody that recognizes the N terminus of the BR1-VDAC protein completely blocks an astrocytic high-conductance anion channel that has electrophysiological similarities with the mitochondrial VDAC. Since the high-conductance anion channel in astrocytes has been shown to respond to hypoosmotic solutions, its molecular identification provides the basis for a better understanding of volume regulation in brain tissue.