Ovarian granulosa cells, known to be endocrine cells, have well active TLR4-/NFKB signalling mediated innate immune capabilities. We have previously shown that endotoxin not only transiently regulates proinflammatory cytokines but cells become tolerant on repeated exposure to endotoxin and impaired granulosa cells functions, which includes downregulation of CYP19A1 gene. To understand further endotoxin tolerance and impaired granulosa cells function, genome-wide transcriptomic profiling in endotoxin tolerant buffalo granulosa cells (bGCs) identified miR-326 as upregulated amongst top 5 DE miRNAs [unpublished data] and qPCR validation confirmed its upregulation during endotoxin tolerance. In silico analyses showed that miR-326 targets CYP19A1 gene. Therefore, in the present study, we elucidated the role of miR-326 in buffalo granulosa cells (bGCs). We first validated its expression vis-à -vis CYP19A1 gene expression in bGCs, both in vivo and in vitro. Results showed an inverse relationship between miR-326 and CYP19A1 expression. Similarly, transcription factors, known to be involved in CYP19A1 gene regulation, CREB and C/EBP-β expression was also found to be decreased in granulosa cells mimicking pre-ovulatory follicular stage. Further, miR-326 mimic was transfected to bGCs in culture and expression of CYP19A1 and CREB & C/EBP-β and genes encoding other enzymes of steroidogenesis pathway were also analyzed. The present study results showed that miR-326 significantly inhibits the expression of CYP19A1 gene while expression of transcription factors CREB and C/EBP-β was found to be upregulated. The expression of STAR and CYP11A1 was found to be unaffected. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of miR-326 mediated downregulation of CYP19A1, binding analyses of RNA polymerase II and CEBP-β to CYP19A1 gene promoter II was analyzed. The result also showed decreased binding of RNA polymerase II with increased binding of CEBP-β to CYP19A1 gene promoter II in bGCs, transfected with miR-326 as compared to control. In summary, our results suggest that miR-326 upregulate CREB and CREB may activate C/EBP-β and later inhibited the transcription of CYP19A1 and decreased estradiol-17b production. The miR-326 mediated down-regulation of the CYP19A1 gene involving CREB-C/EBP-β can be exploited in developing strategies to attenuate endotoxin-mediated tolerance induced impaired granulosa cells function to ensure proper fertility in females.
KEYWORDS: CYP19A1, Estradiol, Granulosa cells, Stroidogenesis, miR-326