Lifelong BoHV-1 latency primarily occurs in sensory neurons. The synthetic corticosteroid dexamethasone consistently induces reactivation from latency in calves. RNA sequencing studies revealed 102 genes associated with the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway are differentially regulated during the latency-reactivation cycle. Two protein kinases associated with the Wnt pathway, Akt3 and BMPR2, were expressed at higher levels during latency but were repressed during reactivation. Furthermore, five genes encoding soluble Wnt antagonists and β-catenin-dependent transcription inhibitors were induced during reactivation from latency. These findings are important because Wnt, BMPR2, and Akt3 promote neurogenesis and cell survival, processes crucial for lifelong viral latency. In transfected neuroblastoma cells, a viral protein expressed during latency (ORF2) interacts with and enhances Akt3 protein kinase activity. These findings provide insight into how cellular factors associated with the Wnt signaling pathway cooperate with LR gene products to regulate the BoHV-1 latency-reactivation cycle.
KEYWORDS: Akt3, ORF2, Wnt signaling, bovine herpesvirus 1, neuronal survival