Daytime restricted feeding (2 h of food access from 12.00 to 14.00 hours for 3 weeks) is an experimental protocol that modifies the relationship between metabolic networks and the circadian molecular clock. The precise anatomical locus that controls the biochemical and physiological adaptations to optimise nutrient use is unknown. We explored the changes in liver oxidative lipid handling, such as β-oxidation and its regulation, as well as adaptations in the lipoprotein profile. It was found that daytime restricted feeding promoted an elevation of circulating ketone bodies before mealtime, an altered hepatic daily rhythmicity of 14CO2 production from radioactive palmitic acid, and an up-regulation of the fatty acid oxidation activators, the α-subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the deacetylase silent mating type information regulation homolog 1, and the transcriptional factor PPARγ-1α coactivator. An increased localisation of phosphorylated α-subunit of AMPK in the periportal hepatocytes was also observed. Liver hepatic lipase C, important for lipoprotein transformation, showed a change of daily phase with a peak at the time of food access. In serum, there was an increase of LDL, which was responsible for a net elevation of circulating cholesterol. We conclude that our results indicate an enhanced fasting response in the liver during daily synchronisation to food access, which involves altered metabolic and cellular control of fatty acid oxidation as well a significant elevation of serum LDL. These adaptations could be part of the metabolic input that underlies the expression of the food-entrained oscillator.
KEYWORDS: β-Oxidation, AL ad libitum, AMPK AMP-activated protein kinase, BMAL1 brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1, CPT-1α carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1α, CRY cryptochrome gene, DRF daytime restricted feeding, FAB food anticipatory behaviour, FAO fatty acid oxidation, FEO food-entrained oscillator, Fa 21 h fasting, KB ketone bodies, LIPC hepatic lipase, PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, PER period gene, PGC-1α PPARγ-1α coactivator, PP periportal, PV perivenous, Re refed after a 21-h fast, SIRT1 silent mating type information regulation homolog 1, pAMPKα phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase α, AMP-activated protein kinase, Food synchronisation, Liver zonation, PPARγ-1α coactivator