Serine protease cleaved-complement component 4 (C4) at sessile loop, which is significant for completion of lectin and classical complement pathways at the time of infections. The co-crystalized structure of C4 with Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease 2 (MASP2) provided the structural and functional aspects of its interaction and underlined the C4 activation by MASP2. The same study also revealed the significance of complement control protein (CCP) domain through mutational study, where mutated CCP domain led to the inhibition of C4 activation. However, the interaction of trypsin serine domain with C4α sessile loop revealed another aspect of C4 activation. The human C4 cleavage by Trypsin (Tryp) in a control manner was explored but not yet revealed the identification of cleaved fragments. Hence, the present study investigated the Tryp mediated C4 activation using computational approach (protein-protein docking and molecular dynamics simulation) by comparing with the co-crystalized structure of C4-MASP2. Docking result identified the crucial interacting residues Gly219, Gln178, and Asn102 of Tryp catalytic pocket which were interacting with Arg756 and Glu759 (sessile loop) of α-Chain (C4) in a similar manner to C4-MASP2 co-crystallized complex. Moreover, MD simulation results and mutational study underlined the conformational rearrangements in the C4 due to the Tryp interaction. Comparative analysis of C4 alone, C4-Tryp, and C4-MASP2 revealed the impact of Tryp on C4 was similar as MASP2. These studies designate the role of sessile loop in the interaction with serine domain, which could be useful to understand the various interactions of C4 with other complement components.
KEYWORDS: MASP-2, complement component 4, protein–protein interaction, trypsin