Thiolation of carbon-2 of uridine located in the first position of the anticodons of tRNAUUG(Gln), tRNAUUC(Glu), and tRNAUUU(Lys) is a conserved RNA modification event requiring the 2-thiouridine synthetase Ncs6/Ctu1 in archaea and eukaryotes. Ncs6/Ctu1 activates uridine by adenylation, but its role in sulfur transfer is unclear. Here we show that Mmp1356, the Ncs6/Ctu1 homolog in the archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis, forms a persulfide enzyme adduct with an active site cysteine; this suggests that Mmp1356 directly participates in sulfur transfer as a persulfide carrier. Transposon mutagenesis shows that Mmp1356 is likely to be an essential protein.
KEYWORDS: 2-Thiouridine, Archaea, Methanogen, Sulfur, tRNA modification