In Dictyostelium, the cytoskeletal proteins Actin binding protein 1 (Abp1) and the class I myosin MyoK directly interact and couple actin dynamics to membrane deformation during phagocytosis. Together with the kinase PakB, they build a regulatory switch that controls the efficiency of uptake of large particles. As a basis for further functional dissection, exhaustive phagosome proteomics was performed and established that about 1300 proteins participate in phagosome biogenesis. Then, quantitative and comparative proteomic analysis of phagosome maturation was performed to investigate the impact of the absence of MyoK or Abp1. Immunoblots and two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis of phagosomes isolated from myoK-null and abp1-null cells were used to determine the relative abundance of proteins during the course of maturation. Immunoblot profiling showed that absence of Abp1 alters the maturation profile of its direct binding partners such as actin and the Arp2/3 complex, suggesting that Abp1 directly regulates actin dynamics at the phagosome. Comparative two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis analysis resulted in the quantification of mutant-to-wild type abundance ratios at all stages of maturation for over one hundred identified proteins. Coordinated temporal changes in these ratio profiles determined the classification of identified proteins into functional groups. Ratio profiling revealed that the early delivery of ER proteins to the phagosome was affected by the absence of MyoK and was coupled to a reciprocal imbalance in the delivery of the vacuolar proton pump and Rab11 GTPases. As direct functional consequences, a delayed acidification and a reduced intraphagosomal proteolysis were demonstrated in vivo in myoK-null cells. In conclusion, the absence of MyoK alters the balance of the contributions of the ER and an endo-lysosomal compartment, and slows down phagosome acidification as well as the speed and efficiency of particle degradation inside the phagosome.