Transcript abundance analysis was applied to determine whether expression of genes coding for 50 principal constituents of chloroplast and mitochondria proteolytic machinery, i.e. isoforms of proteases and regulatory subunits of Clp and FtsH families as well as Deg group of chymotrypsin family are differentially expressed in response to acclimation to elevated irradiance. Of 50 genes analysed only a single one coding for ClpB3 regulatory subunit was found to be up-regulated and gene coding for Deg2 to be down-regulated significantly during acclimation to excessive irradiance conditions. Hierarchical clustering of transcript abundance data revealed that CLPB3 co-expressed tightly with genes coding for PAP1, GBF6 and bHLH family member transcription factors during the acclimation. It was found that CLPB3 contains cis-regulatory elements able to bind all three transcription factors. By performing analyses of publicly available transcriptomic data sets from a range of long-term abiotic stresses we suggest that PAP1 may mediate condition-dependent transcriptional response of CLPB3, induced by a group of long-term abiotic stresses.