tyrR gene encodes a global regulatory protein (TyrR), which plays an important role in the transcriptional regulation of eight transcription units (including tyrR gene itself) whose protein products catalyze key steps in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and/or transport. The aroP gene encodes an integral membrane protein (AroP) that transports aromatic amino acids through the cell membrane. The transcription of aroP was reported to be repressed by TyrR. In this work, aroP(p) (aroP gene carrying its own promoter), aroP (aroP gene without promoter) and tyrR genes were amplified by PCR from genomic DNA of E. coli K12 and introduced into E. coli WT5. The expression of aroP and tyrR were detected and the activities of AroP and TyrR were determined. The introduction of either aroP(p) or aroP elevated the strain's transport activity by 1.40 or 1.46-fold respectively. Transformant carrying tyrR gene showed an ATPase activity 1.69-fold compared with the control. When the genes were linked in tandem and co-expressed in a plasmid, the relative AroP transport activity of the strain harboring aroP(p) -tyrR (0.95) was significantly lower than that of aroP-tyrR (1.31). The results indicated that TyrR might be able to reduce the expression of aroP gene by binding with the aroP promoter region in E.coli.